Friday, November 20, 2009

One Case Where Cheaper Is Not Always Better

You've seen these ads everywhere. "Don't pay for white teeth!" one of them says. "Housewife's Secret to whitening teeth", says another. So are these things worth it? Or are they a scam?

Well, I ran across this blog post from the Los Angeles Times today regarding teeth-whitening chemicals and the non-dental venues through which they are sold. It seems that the American Dental Association (ADA) wants them evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for safety and then have them classified appropriately. Here is an excerpt from the letter of the ADA...

“The tremendous expansion of products available directly to consumers and application of products in venues such as shopping malls, cruise ships, and salons is troubling since consumers have little or no assurance regarding the safety of product ingredients, doses or the professional qualifications of individuals employed in these non-dental settings,” the letter states.

The bottom line is be careful buying these products out of a kiosk at some mall by someone being paid on commission. It is always best to talk to a dental professional first and get a consultation. Especially if you haven't been to the dentist in more than a few months. Saving money is definitely not worth possibly harming your teeth. And by the way, our dental office has teeth whitening specials and discounts all the time. Call to get more information at 424-901-0701.

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