Friday, November 20, 2009

One Case Where Cheaper Is Not Always Better

You've seen these ads everywhere. "Don't pay for white teeth!" one of them says. "Housewife's Secret to whitening teeth", says another. So are these things worth it? Or are they a scam?

Well, I ran across this blog post from the Los Angeles Times today regarding teeth-whitening chemicals and the non-dental venues through which they are sold. It seems that the American Dental Association (ADA) wants them evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for safety and then have them classified appropriately. Here is an excerpt from the letter of the ADA...

“The tremendous expansion of products available directly to consumers and application of products in venues such as shopping malls, cruise ships, and salons is troubling since consumers have little or no assurance regarding the safety of product ingredients, doses or the professional qualifications of individuals employed in these non-dental settings,” the letter states.

The bottom line is be careful buying these products out of a kiosk at some mall by someone being paid on commission. It is always best to talk to a dental professional first and get a consultation. Especially if you haven't been to the dentist in more than a few months. Saving money is definitely not worth possibly harming your teeth. And by the way, our dental office has teeth whitening specials and discounts all the time. Call to get more information at 424-901-0701.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Happy Birthday To Us!!!

Today we celebrate our FIRST YEAR anniversary. Yay!! During these tough economic times, our dental practice has managed to grow quickly. We thank our terrific patients who have spread the word and has gotten us tons of referral patients. We thank the many specialists we work with. And last but definitely not least, I thank my dedicated and wonderful staff, without whom I could have never pulled this off and with whom we strive to provide the best dental care possible on a daily basis. We took a really long lunch today to celebrate and went to Royal Kabob in Hawthorne. Mmmm. Terrific kabobs. Why so far you ask? It happens to be the choice of my staff, particularly of Aaliya, one of my assistants. As I said, the food was great and we all had a good time. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

6-month anniversary

Well we made it to our first six months. Usually that really isn't anything to crow about except that if you look at the current economic environment, there's bad news everywhere you look. Banks are failing and needing a bailout. The auto industry is needing a bailout. The stock market is tanking every day it seems like. Heck even our state government is needing a bailout. However, our little enterprise that we opened 6 months ago is thriving. Oh don't get me wrong, it's been really hard work growing the patient pool...but it IS growing. And so in light of the present economic crisis, I'm happy to say, we're doing fine and come on in and see us for all your oral health care needs. Check out our website and call the office today 424-901-0701 to find out about our latest teeth whitening specials!

Monday, August 25, 2008

The Doors Are Open!

So here it is. After getting a space leased, getting the dental clinic built (thank you T.I Specialists), purchasing and installing dental equipment, and getting the whole place furnished, my dental clinic is finally finished. Then came hiring my staff and testing all the new equipment - no small task due to the fact that the clinic is 100% digital. This is going to be as close to paperless as a dental office can be. Too many details to even mention. But the most important detail is that everything is done and we see our first official patient tomorrow. I am so excited! So everyone please come visit me at 11500 W. Olympic Blvd. Suite 326. Check out my official website at If you need dental care, please call Angie at (424)901-0701 and set up an appointment. We will gladly take care of you. See you soon!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Learning Patience

Well the lease to my dental space has finally been signed. We chose the space at 11500 W. Olympic Blvd. in West LA, near the corner of Sepulveda and Olympic. It only took a couple of months to get the whole thing done. So much I have learned over these past few months, almost all about business and becoming an entrepreneur. The biggest lesson I learned? Delegate the stuff you don't understand to those who do and work with professionals. Even looking over the lease papers would have cost us a lot of money in the long run had we not had a lawyer "on our side" reviewing every word on a 50-page document and making sure our best interests were covered. So what's next. Construction. Target opening date of the practice? August 1st. Seems so far away. Seems like it's tomorrow too.