Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Happy Birthday To Us!!!

Today we celebrate our FIRST YEAR anniversary. Yay!! During these tough economic times, our dental practice has managed to grow quickly. We thank our terrific patients who have spread the word and has gotten us tons of referral patients. We thank the many specialists we work with. And last but definitely not least, I thank my dedicated and wonderful staff, without whom I could have never pulled this off and with whom we strive to provide the best dental care possible on a daily basis. We took a really long lunch today to celebrate and went to Royal Kabob in Hawthorne. Mmmm. Terrific kabobs. Why so far you ask? It happens to be the choice of my staff, particularly of Aaliya, one of my assistants. As I said, the food was great and we all had a good time. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US!!!